E-Z Trail Bale Baskets

The bale plunger packs enough punch to push the bales up the chute into the basket.
The free energy comes from your baler by reducing some of the spring tension at the bale chamber.
The bales going up the chute simply provide some of the back pressure required to compress the bales.
Therefore you eliminate all manual labor without adding any burden to your baler.
The standard basket capacity is approximately 100 bales and unloads by gravity, "more free energy." A simple trip lever releases the rear gate latch and in a matter of seconds the basket is ready to load up again. Options available: 3' 30 bale extension, center hitch for N.H. balers.
The basket dimensions are 12'6" long and 11' high.
The special width 10' front, 11' rear is a patented feature.
The tapered sides allow bales to unload quick and E-Z without lodging.
Tire size 11L 15 8 ply; wobble free caster wheel 20.5 x 10.
Basket is shipped with axle, floor and sides pre-assembled, final assembly requires 1-2 hours.
High strength square tubing 4" x 1/4" axle 1-1/2" 12 gauge and 1-1/4" 14 gauge.
Standard - Dual Front Caster Wheels for increased stability.