Dawn 5010DB-12.75

The simple, yet dependable design of the Gfx row cleaner gives you unparalleled control over your row cleaning. The hydraulically controlled Trashwheels can be instantly adjusted over the entire length of the planter, using a simple in-cab electronic interface.
The trailing-arm design takes the pressure off your planter row unit.
The Gfx mounts to the toolbar, not to the planter row unit.
Row unit mounted row cleaners affect the planter row unit's down-pressure. This may lead to uneven seed depth, and emergence.
Gfx row cleaners can be equipped with polycarbonate depth bands.
Mount GFX Row Cleaners to your John Deere 2510S.
We offer a mount that fastens to the 2510S using the existing lugs for the factory row cleaner. System pressure is set and regulated with a simple electro-hydraulic control system. The Electric control module RAM mounts in your tractor cab. A single dial regulates the pressure in the system. The maximum setting give a little over 100lbs of down force to each individual row cleaner. If there is zero system pressure, the Trash wheels retract from the ground.
With the Gfx system, we are not controlling depth, as much as we are controlling the aggressiveness of the row cleaning. Variations in the field make it nearly impossible to properly set row cleaner "depth" on wide and ultra-wide planters. With the Gfx, you set the pressure in the system, then the tool floats around that pressure, just dial it up, or dial it back, when necessary.
In some areas you will likely want a little more control over different planter sections. Particularly if you have an ultra-wide planter, and hilly terrain, it can be beneficial to control different planter sections independently. With our simple stackable control valve assemblies it is simple to run your wings and center sections on independent hydraulic circuits.
The Gfx is designed to roll up an over infield obstacles. The above photo shows a planter rolling over a pivot irrigation track. Notice how even without depth bands, the Gfx is able to pretty closely follow the ground contour.