Black Dawn One

Black Dawn One

Complete Pull Type Strip-tillage System.

Level up your workflow

Black Dawn One is a complete pull-type strip-till tollbar and fertilizer delivery system. It features a stainless steel 9-ton fertilizer tank


DawnBD1 1

9 Ton Stainless Steel Fertilizer Hopper with Catwalk and Ladder

Stainless steel tubes are mounted directly over the top of the toolbar, and terminate at each row



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High Output Fertilizer Meter

Fertilizer meter and fan assembly designed to keep up with the high speed performance of the Pluribus V Row Unit



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Hydraulic Wing Weight Transfer

Black Dawn One was designed, from day one, to include hydraulic wing weight transfer. A critical element for consistent performance across all rows



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Steel Row to Row Hydraulic Lines

Keeps a clean and simple layout to the toolbar



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Intergrated Hydraulic Manifold and Control Panel

The entire toolbar and fertilizer system is run off of power beyond with only two hoses, simplifying the connection to the tractor and eliminating the need for a large number of remote valves



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Designed for 24 Rows

High strength toolbar design. Made to handle up to 700 horsepower


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Easy to Fill

The wide opening at the top of the fertilizer hopper and the protective bar allows the hopper to be easily filled by a single operator with less than perfect fertilizer trucks

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