You can't see the difference, but your engine can.
Some manufacturers claim their engine parts meet or exceed John Deere specifications. However, these look-alikes cannot compete with the continuous technology improvements of genuine John Deere parts. Even though the differences might be small, the advancements make a big difference in retaining the performance and reliability of John Deere engines.
Your engine is the lifeblood of your machine, and its components are integral to keeping your equipment running at peak performance. When it comes time to overhaul your engine, choose a kit that provides the same quality and performance your engine had when it left the factory.
Some manufacturers offer engine overhaul kits for John Deere engines. However, only John Deere engine overhaul kits contain genuine John Deere components that are manufactured and tested to the latest John Deere specifications. Unlike lower quality kits, John Deere kits wear consistently, preventing flakes and preserving the efficiency of your machine.
John Deere overhaul kits include:
John Deere expanded kits include:
John Deere overhaul kit warranty
Our engine overhaul kits come with a 1-year/1,500-hour warranty (whichever comes first) determined from the date of purchase. Coverage includes both parts and labor when installed by a John Deere dealer. See your John Deere dealer for details.
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